Intercostal Pain occurs when the nerve that runs along one of the ribs in the thoracic cage becomes slightly inflamed; this is also known as intercostal neuralgia. The pain appears abruptly, and can worsen considerably with a movement of the vertebral column, incorrect posture, a respiratory movement, coughing, or even the simple act of talking.Analgesic medication may lessen neuralgic pain, but it will not correct the problem. Intercostal pain is generally due to neuro-musculoskeletal problems which cannot be treated with medication.Signals to watch for: (3 or more, see a chiropractor)•A tender spot in your chest that goes on and off.•Struggling for breath while breathing normally.•Chest pains from taking a deep breath.•Chest pain from sneezing or coughing.•Sensitivity in the ribcage.•Ever had a back pain that crossed to the front, around your chest?•Is it painful to press the pit of your stomach (below the sternum)?•Restricted range of motion when turning your torso.•Pain along one of your ribs, along with a skin rash.•FOR WOMEN: discomfort in the area where you do up your bra.
Intercostal Pain occurs when the nerve that runs along one of the ribs in the thoracic cage becomes slightly inflamed; this is also known as intercostal neuralgia. The pain appears abruptly, and can worsen considerably with a movement of the vertebral column, incorrect posture, a respiratory movement, coughing, or even the simple act of talking.Analgesic medication may lessen neuralgic pain, but it will not correct the problem. Intercostal pain is generally due to neuro-musculoskeletal problems which cannot be treated with medication.Signals to watch for: (3 or more, see a chiropractor)•A tender spot in your chest that goes on and off.•Struggling for breath while breathing normally.•Chest pains from taking a deep breath.•Chest pain from sneezing or coughing.•Sensitivity in the ribcage.•Ever had a back pain that crossed to the front, around your chest?•Is it painful to press the pit of your stomach (below the sternum)?•Restricted range of motion when turning your torso.•Pain along one of your ribs, along with a skin rash.•FOR WOMEN: discomfort in the area where you do up your bra.